This Thursday will be Thanksgiving in the United States.
The things I’m most thankful for, that are closest to my heart, I’ll express thanks for among my family on that day. But a few lighthearted geology thanks seem appropriate here.
I’m thankful to live in an area with such beautiful and interesting geology.
I’m thankful for the incredible wealth of good writing on geology in New Mexico available from the New Mexico Geological Society and the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources. Most of this stuff is free and it’s excellent peer-reviewed stuff.
I’m thankful for good friends who share my interest, including Gary Stradling, Bruce Rabe, and pretty much the entire membership of the Los Alamos Geological Society.
I’m grateful for my regular readers here — both of them
I don’t actually know how many readers I have; I may be doing better than I think. If you’ve lurked here for a while, I’d be grateful if you’d just post a quick Hello.
I’m grateful for the relative prosperity I enjoy that gives me leisure to pursue this hobby, and for technology like my SPOT messenger that makes it safer.
Hi There!
I just came across your blog and am in admiration of your travels. I am a mother of 3 and don’t get to go many places these days. Yes, there are so many things to be thankful for, and I have an abundance of gratitude for this beautiful earth and all it’s magic! Especially when the magic is hidden right in plain sight. I’m interested in going on a rockhounding trip soon and was wondering if there are any places of interest in New Mexico that you might know of. I’ve only
Been to NM twice (Carlsbad when I was 12 and Grants,NM about 10 years ago to attend a Kinaalda.) Any suggestions would
Be greatly appreciated!
Welcome, Lindsay.
A lot depends on how strenuously you can hike and what you are interested in. The staurolite beds above Pilar seem to attract more interest than almost anything else I’ve posted about, but it’s a strenuous hike and the directions are not always easy to follow. The Harding Mine is great fun and has some excellent guidebooks, if you are taking a group and make arrangements with the UNM geology department for your visit. If you want casual fossil hunting with fairly easy road access. it’s hard to beat San Diego Canyon across the road from Hummingbird Music Camp. If you just want to see some incredible scenery, you can’t beat the drive to the Gilman tunnels and beyond.