Mastering Hugin

It’s warm and dry today, but overcast, so I may hike in the neighborhood but will probably not make a full wanderlust of it. Tomorrow I’m scheduled to take Nathan to another smash tournament in Albuquerque, and rain is predicted, so I doubt I’ll do much in that area. Monday...Read more

A tip of the Wanderlust hat

To friend of the Wanderlust, Teejay, who nudged me into looking into software for stitching together photographs into a panorama. It turns out that there is a pretty decent freeware package out there for Ubuntu, Hugin, which I tried out on some of my old panoramas. At its most basic,...Read more
A fistful of wanderlust

A fistful of wanderlust

So I got up at 7:30 and checked the weather. Hardly a cloud in the sky. Well then. I had the usual breakfast; packed up the new camera, spare memory cards, spare batteries, my backpack, my new walking stick, a couple of road logs, my glucose meter, an orange and...Read more

Lenticular clouds

Lenticular clouds form when there is a steady wind at middle altitudes and moisture levels not quite at saturation. When the wind passes over a mountain range, such as the Sangre de Cristo range seen here (east of my home), the flow is displaced upwards, the air expands and cools,...Read more

Apparently I was a good boy this year

Meet the new Wandercamera: Why, yes. I took a picture of it with the old camera. I know: It’s a little like making an employee train his replacement. Can’t be helped. A Nikon Coolpix S9700, used and refurbished. With GPS; it took some time but I figured out how to...Read more

Earth Treasures Show 2016

This is the annual holiday rock and mineral show of the Los Alamos Geologic Society. I spent some time there today and took a few pictures, which I present without much comment. Fuchsite is chromium muscovite (mica). Orthoceras was an Ordovician mollusc related to the modern nautilus. Ruby (though not...Read more
Rolling Stones wanderlust

Rolling Stones wanderlust

You can’t always get what you want. I had a pretty good Thanksgiving, beginning with having Wednesday off (in lieu of my usual 9/80 Friday off) to get the chores out of the way, then a quiet Thursday at home with the family followed by a simple but nice Thanksgiving...Read more
Oysters, ammonites, and shark’s teeth

Oysters, ammonites, and shark’s teeth

Today was another excursion with the Los Alamos Geological Society, the PEEC, and the Pebble Pups. The destination was two sites in the Mancos Formation that are rich in fossils. The Mancos Formation was laid down about 80 to 95 million years ago, during the Cretaceous Period, in the Western...Read more
Wanderlusting the Nacimiento Mine

Wanderlusting the Nacimiento Mine

This trip was with the Los Alamos Geological Society. Also the PEEC Pebble Pups and the Albuquerque Gem & Mineral Club Junior and Pebble Pups. This made for a very large group. The group from Los Alamos alone was sizable. That’s our group, stopped along Route 126 deep in the...Read more

The wanderlust gods, they taunt us: Day 3 and 4

The previous day’s account may be found here. I woke to a bright, blue, beautiful day. The wanderlust gods certainly were taunting us. I met Bruce in the lobby and we considered our options, finally settling on a fairly interesting-looking road log along Route 9. We had done part of...Read more