On my feet again

Another appointment with Dr. Sauer today, and he was sufficiently pleased with my progress to instruct me to start walking with the “boot”. Two weeks of this, and if all goes well, I will be out of the boot and well on the way to normal activity.Read more

On bull—-

I’ve gotten two calls from Microsoft Support in the last two days. It seems their monitors detected that my personal computer had downloaded some viruses.Read more


With hiking done for the season, I will be posting from time to time on other technical topics that interest me. Maybe they will interest you, as well.Read more
A short Labor Day wanderlust

A short Labor Day wanderlust

I had a four-day weekend for Labor Day, thanks to  my employer’s 9/80 schedule, and it’s tough to have a long weekend and not do a little wanderlusting even when you’ve just come back from a big geologic vacation.Read more

Great American Eclipse wanderlust, day 14

Days 12 and 13 may be found here. I awake, eat the usual camp breakfast, and clean up. On the way back from dumping my trash in the dumpster boxes, I get a glimpse of some geology through the trees. Capitol Dome, at least according to Bing Aerial View. My...Read more

Great American Eclipse wanderlust, day 10

Day 9 may be found here. I awake, fix my usual camp breakfast, and do my best to clean myself up. I had been shaving every morning, but there are no facilities here for showering; I make do with a kind of sponge bath and put on my remaining change...Read more

Great American Eclipse wanderlust, days 3 and 4

Day 2 may be found here. If you’ve stayed with me this far, you probably already understand, but: What makes geology so fascinating for me? Isn’t it a little … extreme? It’s not just geology; I find almost everything interesting. I once saw a tee shirt at a nerd tee...Read more