Wanderlusting El Cajete

Wanderlusting El Cajete

The weather has been heavy monsoon most of this week, which is good and bad. The good, which in the larger scheme of things is what really matters, is that the monsoon started rather late and we need it to be heavy. The bad is that it makes for lousy...Read more

The road to Jaramillo

I can’t resist that title, which is also the name of a celebrated book on the history of how radiometric dating and magnetic reversals led to the acceptance of the theory of plate tectonics. One of the crucial magnetic reversals was the Jaramillo event, named after a little creek in...Read more

Return of the wanderlust

I’ve now been out of the arm cradle for three weeks, I’m back to full time at work, and I’m feeling almost human. Naturally, the wanderlust is raging. I took a small adventure last Saturday. My older son, Nathan, wanted to attend a gamer’s convention in Albuquerque and needed me...Read more

Family and critters

My mother, all my siblings, and some of my nephews and nieces were in town this week for a reunion. It was wonderful to sit around and reminisce. It was also nice to see some local scenery. We went out to Overlook Park, and I found the lighting was just...Read more

More on Ow.

I had my two-week follow up appointment with the surgeon today, so it seems an appropriate time to catch up and give a more full account. We got the call the Thursday before surgery informing me that I had drawn the first slot. Plusses: The surgeon will be fresh and...Read more

… Wait, what?

From a website on rotator cuff repair: Outcome The majority of patients report improved shoulder strength and less pain after surgery for a torn rotator cuff. Each surgical repair technique (open, mini-open, and arthroscopic) has similar results in terms of pain relief, improvement in strength and function, and patient satisfaction....Read more

No adventure for a while

The surgery is on for this Friday.  I spent this weekend finishing up some odd chores around the house, and directing some kind friends who have moved a recliner and air conditioner into an upstairs room near the front door and bathroom to serve as my recovery cave. I won’t...Read more

To sulphurous and tormenting flames

In my last post, I wrote about my great plan to get to an outcrop of Bland monzonite. This is a formation important enough in the history of the Jemez that it really needs a place in the book, but it’s proven elusive. The main outcropping (map), which was mined...Read more

Anyone up for testing their luck?

I’m contemplating a Friday the 13th adventure in a week. The objective will be to visit outcrops of the Bland stock in the southern Jemez. This is the monzonite from which gold was mined from the late 19th century to about 1930. The main mining area remains private property, and...Read more

Wanderlusting the Canovas Canyon Formation

The Canovas Canyon Formation is an important part of the early history of the Jemez volcanic field, constituting probably the oldest high-silica flows in the southern Jemez. The earliest thorough geological studies of the Jemez presented a straightforward model in which the basalt of Chamisa Mesa (map) is the oldest...Read more