Father’s Day

Gifts. Dinner. In the case of the jar of spirulina, this is a nontrivial but important distinction. The spirulina is to feed the crustacean culture I was just given, not to feed me. My dinner is roast beef tip (delicious!) and sugar-free cherry pie with sugar-free whipped cream (also delicious!)...Read more
Wanderlusting the Picuris Mountains

Wanderlusting the Picuris Mountains

Yesterday was the summer solstice and the weather was gorgeous. I have a relatively newly published road log with places to visit in the Picuris Mountains. I think you can anticipate what followed. I got a good night’s sleep, then packed up supplies (backpack with lunch, water, hammer, bug spray,...Read more

San Gregorio Reservoir

Yesterday I went with Gary and Alden Stradling and his family to hike to San Gregorio Reservoir. As is often the case when I’m with Alden, we had so much fun talking that I didn’t get a lot of photographs. Still: The place was a madhouse. (A madhouse.) With few...Read more
He wanders here, he wanders there

He wanders here, he wanders there

Friday I had another appointment with the neurosurgeon. I’ll describe the latest at the end of the post, for those interested in more than just the science. This meant a trip to Albuquerque, so it seemed reasonable to visit some geology on the drive back. My appointment was over a...Read more
Wanderlusting the Tusas

Wanderlusting the Tusas

The weather has been beautiful, and with a long weekend coming up, I invited my friend, Gary Stradling, to go with me to look at some of the oldest rocks in New Mexico. These belong to the Moppin Complex. This is a highly deformed mass of rock exposed in the...Read more

Our modern world

Well, flabber my gast. There is a Thai Palace in Alluitsup Paa, Greenland. I am fond of rural areas, with their local eccentricities, but I also like being able to order Tibetan food in Gunniston, Colorado. I hope we can eventually strike the right balance between particularism and cosmopolitanism. And...Read more
Arroyo del Cobre with friends

Arroyo del Cobre with friends

I was first introduced to this wonderful hike by Rick and Shari Kelley, along with many members of the Los Alamos Geological Society. It seems only fair to pass it along to my own friends, Gary and Alden Strading and their families. Gary at left, Alden and Dorothy and their...Read more

The wonders of modern medicine

My apologies, but this post has to begin with a sermon cum apology: Modern medicine has truly worked wonders. Our life expectancy is vastly improved over what it was 150 years ago, and we have an excellent chance of most of those being pretty good years. I, for one, am...Read more