Where I’ve been

A master map of where I’ve driven and hiked on my wanderlusts. With tribal lands painted green: Since access to tribal land is restricted, this explains some of the pattern in my wanderlusting. Areas I could do more with include most of the northwestern Jemez, which is also the longest...Read more
Wanderlusting the Toledo Embayment

Wanderlusting the Toledo Embayment

Last weekend was a bye. I spent Saturday having the rest of the new tires installed on the Wandermobile, then caught up on chores at home. This weekend the weather was absolutely gorgeous; not a cloud in the sky Thursday and none predicted Friday. With the Valles Preserve back country...Read more

Speaking tomorrow night

I’ll be speaking tomorrow night on “Photographing the Geology of the Jemez” at the monthly meeting of the Los Alamos Geological Society. Time: September 18, 2018, 7:00 pm Place: Christian Church 92 East Road Los Alamos, NM 87544Read more
Rock glacier

Rock glacier

I’d been talking with my friend, Steve Harris, for some time about taking his family to the rock glacier on Cerros del Abrigo. So this week we finally made concrete plans to head up and do the hike. It turned out that it was only Steve and I: His daughter...Read more


It looks like the camera is well and truly unusable. The shutter button normally is pressed in two stages; on the first stage, the camera finds the focus, and when it is pressed the rest of the way down, the actual photograph is taken. Only now, on the first stage,...Read more
Losing focus

Losing focus

I went on two wanderlusts this week, both of which were somewhat frustrating. Powerline Trail On Labor Day, the weather forecast was for a wet day, particularly in the afternoon and evening. New Mexico has a monsoon. Don’t laugh; monsoon in the weather business means a seasonal change in wind patterns...Read more
Lamprophyres and gastropods

Lamprophyres and gastropods

I had business in Albuquerque Friday, but was finished by noon and had brought my hiking gear. After dining at the Indian buffet on Paseo del Norte, I proceeded to Tijeras Canyon, planning to visit a lamprophyre dike along the highway I had read about. I caught a glimpse of...Read more


The Monday after getting back from vacation, I call my favorite mechanic about the leaking tire. He says to bring it on in. I do the next morning and he finds a screw in it and patches it. Time passes. Thursday Cindy reports that the low tire light is on...Read more