Wanderlusting Cerro Rubio

Wanderlusting Cerro Rubio

It’s been a while since I spent some serious time hiking in the Sierra de los Valles, the range of mountains west of Los Alamos that is also the east rim of the Valles caldera. This is not an area to hike during thunderstorm season, but the forecast was for...Read more
Wanderlusting the San Pedro Mountains

Wanderlusting the San Pedro Mountains

If you look at my map of where I’ve been, you see a number of blank areas. One I’ve been thinking about for a while is the San Pedro Mountains, the northwesternmost corner of the Jemez Mountains. I’ve not visited it much because it’s the farthest corner from home and...Read more
Wanderlusting Guaje Mountain

Wanderlusting Guaje Mountain

I’ve explored the Pajarito Trail north of Rendija Canyon a couple of times before. However, I was looking for a not too long hike today, the weather was absolutely cloudless, I have not actually hiked to the top of Guaje Mountain before, and it seemed like a perfect day to...Read more
Wanderlusting the Small Fry prospect

Wanderlusting the Small Fry prospect

This weekend I joined other members of the Los Alamos Geological Society on a field trip to the Small Fry prospect on the highway to El Rito (“The Ritual.”) Here the amateur geologist can find interesting samples of fluorite, calcite, and barite. A prospect is a location on public lands...Read more
A sedimental journey, day 9

A sedimental journey, day 9

Dawn over the San Rafael Reef. (As with almost all images at this site, you may click for a full resolution version.) The previous day ended with us crossing the San Rafael Swell and driving south along San Rafael Reef to our camping area, just within the Reef. The San...Read more
A sedimental journey, days 6 and 7

A sedimental journey, days 6 and 7

The wedding morning at Scott’s house. Mom, Lisa, and one of the cousins. Cousin is evidently more interested in the French toast being prepared than in my awful diabetic-healthy bran cereal. The wedding is not until 1:30. I have time to get some exercise, after indulging in just one slice...Read more
A sedimental journey, day 5

A sedimental journey, day 5

This installment is short on geeky geologic goodness and long on family togetherness. Feel free to skip to Day 6. I am glad to have a chance to rest up at Mom’s. She is glad to have me there: She is almost 89, nearly blind, and recently fell and wrenched...Read more
A sedimental journey, day 4

A sedimental journey, day 4

Up at sunrise. At left is Howell Peak, underlain by (among others) Cambrian Howell Formation. Morning in Marjum Pass. Gary does breakfast. We pack up and start south for the pass. Along the way there is what looks a lot like a landfill. Gary is curious and persuades me to...Read more
A sedimental journey, day 3

A sedimental journey, day 3

Up with the sun. The rain apparently did not fall for long the previous night, and the ground is already mostly dry. It is shaping up to be a cool but beautiful day. We feast on pancakes, bacon, and eggs, and break camp. I pause just outside the camp area...Read more