Wanderlusting Los Alamos Reservoir

Wanderlusting Los Alamos Reservoir

I think I’ve been planning to hike to Los Alamos Reservoir for a couple of years now. However, up until now, I’ve been deterred by the big orange “Closed for Construction” sign at the trail head. There have been persistent rumors, on Facebook and elsewhere, that, really, it’s okay for...Read more
Wanderlusting the Abiquiu Formation in the Jemez

Wanderlusting the Abiquiu Formation in the Jemez

The Abiquiu Formation is quite distinctive, with its white to gray ash-rich beds. Though most prominent around Abiquiu, which I explored in my previous post, it is found here and there throughout the Jemez Mountains. With the beautiful fall weather still holding up, I decided to spend another day exploring...Read more
Wanderlusting Abiquiu

Wanderlusting Abiquiu

It’s been a gorgeous autumn, and I’m finding myself very much disinclined to waste any of it. So I took my Monday off to go see some rift fill. My home is perched on a plateau in the Rio Grande Rift, a zone reaching from Colorado to Texas where the...Read more

Wanderlusting Mesita Blanca

Another Friday off work, and beautiful early autumn weather, which I feel like I need to take advantage of while I can. On the other hand, I am getting behind on a lot of stuff. So I decided to try a trip I could hope to finish by early afternoon....Read more

Wanderlusting Cerro Balitas

Early autumn and the tapering off of the monsoon season makes for wonderful hiking weather, not to be wasted. I was still irritated that I had not gotten close enough to an outcrop of the Canovas Canyon Rhyolite the previous Friday to get a sample. I was not, however, anxious...Read more

A wanderlust too far

With a Friday off work, and beautiful late summer weather, there was no way I was going to sit home all day doing nothing but catching up on mail, getting some writing done, repainting some window frames, fixing the spot where my son kicked a hole in the drywall, and...Read more

A labor of wanderlust

I have discovered, somewhat to my surprise, that there are actually people who read my wanderlusts. So this one is dedicated to Angela, who informs me that she likes to read about my hikes to places she will never hike to. Angela has spina bifida and has been confined to...Read more

Wanderlusting Guadelupe Canyon

I have been itching for some time to take a closer look at the Precambrian rocks of the Sierra Nacimiento Mountains and the Carboniferous rocks of the southwest Jemez. Well, why not both in one trip? So I packed my backpack, put together a lunch, grabbed my camera and GPS,...Read more

Wanderlusting the Dome Road

Sometimes the wanderlust really gets the better of me, and I end up improvising a trip into the hills. This was one of those times. I was in Albuquerque Saturday and finished up around 2:00. I had vague plans to visit the Veterans Memorial Lookout at Kashe-Katuwe Tent Rocks National...Read more

Wanderlusting St. Peter’s Dome

St. Peter’s Dome is a remote but geologically fascinating area that I’ve tried to visit before. This time, I was determined not to be deterred by bad roads. But first, the usual word from our sponsor: St. Peter’s Dome is one of the San Miguel Mountains, a cluster of small...Read more