Columbus Day wanderlust

Columbus Day wanderlust

Next Friday I have a dental appointment, and Saturday Cindy has a wedding in the family. The week after, I will be in Colorado for the occultation. That means I will be catching up on chores the weekend after. I will have a long weekend just before Halloween, but the...Read more
Four-Wheeling Wanderlust

Four-Wheeling Wanderlust

Way back before the shoulder surgery, I was joined by friend of the Wanderlust, Steve Painter, on a hike to Sulphur Springs and Alamo Canyon. Steve enjoyed this enough to ask if I would be interested in navigating him to some nice spots in the northeast Jemez via 31 Mile...Read more
Wanderlusting Arroyo del Cobre

Wanderlusting Arroyo del Cobre

Karma is sometimes a lady. Not quite three weeks ago, I climbed a dome near Polvadera Peak and noted that the view included part of Canon del Cobre, and ruminated that this would be a fun area to get into at some point. Sure enough, the next Los Alamos Geologic...Read more

The Alternative Wanderlust

Perhaps I should have taken a break this weekend, but the weather was again forecast to be gorgeous and the back country season in the Valles Preserve is fast coming to a close. So I devoted Friday to catching up on all my chores, so that I could enjoy a...Read more

Thar’s gold in them thar wanderlust

Normally, after a long weekend with a long wanderlust, I’d be inclined to spend the next Saturday at home catching up on chores and giving myself a rest. But the weather was just gorgeous Thursday and Friday, and the forecast was for this to continue on Saturday. Then the monsoon...Read more

Wanderlusting El Alto

So Labor Day was to be my big day of wanderlusting. I had played Mr. Fixit Friday, had taken Nathan to his tournament in Albuquerque Saturday, and I felt entitled to a day just for looking at rocks. My destination would be El Alto, the easternmost of the two great...Read more
Wanderlusting Sandia Crest

Wanderlusting Sandia Crest

I have, of course, been to Sandia Crest before. I used to live in Albuquerque, and one of my dates with Cindy was to hike to the crest from Doc Long campground. But it had been some years, I was in Albuquerque to take Nathan to a smash tournament, and...Read more
Wanderlusting Rinconada Canyon

Wanderlusting Rinconada Canyon

After a few preliminaries. Labor Day Weekend, and I had the Friday off. Three days to go to and fro in the earth, and walk up and down in it; not counting Sunday, my day of rest. Except that I owed my wife at least a day of working around...Read more
Wanderlusting the Cochiti Formation

Wanderlusting the Cochiti Formation

I’ve been working on the latest draft of the book, and I realized that I had almost certainly mixed up the Cochiti Formation, the Gravel of Lookout Park, eolian deposits, and artificial trail gravel. Fortunately, I had business in Santa Fe Saturday, so it seemed reasonable to head out early,...Read more

The Wanderpack and a rock glacier

It was my Friday off and the weather forecast was as promising as I’ve seen in a while. I decided this would be another good day to get a back country permit and do some exploring in the Valles caldera. Perhaps I’m just paranoid, but the Valles Preserve back country...Read more