Wanderlusting the Albuquerque Volcanoes

Winter is a good time to hike areas at lower elevations. This particular weekend I was already in Albuquerque on other business, the weather was warm (if windy), and the Albuquerque volcanoes beckoned. Ironically, I lived just north of here, in the Ventana Ranch subdivision, for five years, but I...Read more

Wanderlusting White Rock Canyon

Not all my rockhounding takes the form of big day-long trips. Particularly at this time of year, when things get busy, days are short, and weather is unreliable, I’m more inclined to take frequent short trips than occasional long trips. I’ll be showing photographs here from several recent short hikes...Read more

Two Easy Wanderlusts

Not all my rockhounding takes the form of big day-long trips. Particularly at this time of year, when things get busy, days are short, and weather is unreliable, I’m more inclined to take frequent short trips than occasional long trips. I’ll be showing photographs here from two relatively short trips,...Read more

Wanderlusting the Northeast Jemez

This trip was to the Abiquiu Embaymant and northeast Jemez, mostly to see some of the Mesozoic and late Paleozoic rocks exposed along the southeastern boundary of the Colorado Plateau. After packing up the usual supplies — a backback with binoculars, a lunch, camera, cell phone, geologist’s hammer, loupe, water...Read more

Wanderlusting the Precambrian in the Southwest Jemez

With a few other stops along the way. This trip was to the southwest Jemez to see some of the Precambrian rocks exposed along Guadalupe Canyon. This area is along the boundary of the Jemez volcanic field and the Sierra Nacimiento uplift, and has the most accessible Precambrian outcrops in...Read more

Wanderlusting the Tusas

This trip was to the Tusas Mountains of northern New Mexico. These mountains lie more or less directly north of my home in White Rock and have one of the two closest exposures of Precambrian rocks to the Jemez Mountains. I used my Friday off to take care of my...Read more

Kent and Bruce’s Excellent Adventure, Day 13

Day 13: Home, Charles After discussing travel routes with Robin over breakfast, I decided to take a somewhat longer but more scenic route home, through the South Park area of Colorado. This meant driving through the front range of the Rockies, with all its interesting geology. Don’t know the geology...Read more

Kent and Bruce’s Excellent Adventure, Day 6

Day 6: Yellowstone, At Last! We paused in the morning to take a few more photographs of each other. Or, to be more precise, to have helpful strangers take photographs of us. Here is all of us except (I believe) Bailey, Susan’s daughter, and Cameron, Susan’s son. Front row, left...Read more

Two more easy wanderlusts

Spring is upon us, more or less, and this means I have resumed some tentative short wanderings in the wilds of Los Alamos. But first, a word from our sponsor. So the first trip did not actually leave Los Alamos city limits. It began east of the town golf course,...Read more

O’erweening wanderlust

I tried to do too much on my road trip today and ended up not doing any of it as well as I would like. But first, the usual word from our sponsor: So I set out to do three things: Hike the Valles Caldera trail; hike from Graduation Flats...Read more